What is the ALEKS PPL?

About the ALEKS PPL

Hear from Amanda Rakowitz, 他是道成肉身大学的高级数学讲师, share a brief overview about the ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (PPL).

Benefits of ALEKS PPL

Learn more about why it's important to take the ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (PPL), and the benefits from the ALEKS PPL UIW Mathematics Placement.

Complete the ALEKS PPL

Since the University of the Incarnate Word is test optional, to be correctly placed in college level math, 未达到最低要求的学生必须参加ALEKS考试,否则将被安排在a班 non-credit math prep class.

Don't know if you need to take the ALEKS PPL?

单击下面的按钮并按照箭头确定是否需要服用ALEKS PPL.

See UIW Mathematic Placement Guidelines (pdf)

本数学分班指南的目的是根据学生学位课程的数学要求,将学生安排在适当的数学课程中. Proceed through the guidelines in the presented order.

Success in college begins with appropriate course placement. 具有独特的适应性评估和个性化学习的结合, ALEKS PPL将准确测量您的数学基础,并为您创建个性化的学习模块,以复习和刷新您的数学知识. This allows you to be placed correctly in the right course, expediting your path to complete your degree.

ALEKS PPL现在对2024年秋季学期进入UIW的学生开放. Placement assessments must be done by Aug. 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CDT.

Steps to begin the ALEKS PPL (pdf)

About the ALEKS PPL Math Placement Assessment

ALEKS PPL是一个在线的自适应系统,涵盖了广泛的数学主题. 分班评估的长度会有所不同,但最多可以有30个问题. 你会看到一些,但不是全部,你在高中学过的数学. 这是一个分班评估,而不是在道成肉身的大学预习数学课程. 它旨在确定你是否为某一特定课程做好了准备. After you take your first Placement Assessment, 您将有机会复习和掌握额外的主题,以重新评估和改进您的位置.

  • 总共有30个问题,60-90分钟的评估,但你最多有2个问题.5 hours to complete it. 你不能保存并返回测试,你必须一次完成它.
  • The problems must be done in order. 一旦你回答了一个问题,你就不能回去改变它.

After your Assessment: What class does this put me in?

完成分班评估后,您将看到您的分数. You will then be able to see what class you placed into, view cut score information, 以及可重考的分业评估次数. 如果你的分数在0-45分之间,ALEKS会告诉你,你需要在你的准备模块内工作. It is highly encouraged that you do so, however you will be able to enroll in MATH 0320, Intermediate Algebra, with any score, and working with the prep modules will make you better prepared.

ALEKS PPL - Score of 46 or greater

在参加ALEKS准备和学习模块并在五个ALEKS远程监考评估中获得46分或更高的分数后, you will be placed directly into your core math class, either MATH 1304, 2303, 1306, or 1308.

ALEKS PPL - Score of 45 or less

Placement: MATH 0320, 中级代数:本课程是刷新代数和推理思想的机会,包括UIW核心数学课的先决条件主题. 虽然这门课会计入你的GPA,但不会计入你的学位学分.

UIW Mathematic Placement Guidelines

  1. No outside assistance is permitted. 外部援助包括从他人和其他材料获得帮助. 当你参加考试时,其他人不能在房间里.
  2. 您电脑的网络摄像头和锁定浏览器将被用作您的个人监控器. The webcam lens must not be covered up or otherwise obscured. It must show your face at all times.
    1. 如果屏幕内置了网络摄像头,请避免在考试开始后调整屏幕. A common mistake is to push the screen back, resulting in only the top portion of the face being recorded.
    2. Don't lie down on a couch or bed while taking an exam. 你很有可能会移出视频帧,或者改变你与网络摄像头的相对位置.
    3. Don't take an exam in a dark room. 如果你的脸部细节在网络摄像头检查时没有清晰显示, the automated video analysis is more likely to flag you as missing.
    4. 避免背光的情况,比如背对窗户坐着. 一般的规则是把光线照在你的脸前面,而不是头后面.
    5. Select a distraction-free environment for the exam. 电视和房间里的其他人会把你的注意力从屏幕上移开. 其他进入摄像头视野的人也可能触发自动系统的标志.
  3. No outside calculators are permitted. 允许使用计算器时,屏幕上会出现计算器图标. 然而,你可以用空白纸和钢笔/铅笔来解题. No use of cell phones or other electronic devices are permitted.

开心8APP非常重视学术诚信,并调查所有学术不诚实的指控. 如果你被发现违反了学术诚信政策, you run the risk of having your test score invalidated.

How do I get technical support for the Math Placement Assessment?


How do I get math advising support?

如果你对你的安置评估分数和你应该为你的学位课程学习的课程有疑问, contact your academic advisor in your major.

Retaking the Math Placement Assessment


强烈建议至少在其他时间重新进行一次评估. You have up to five attempts on the Placement Assessment. 但是,在重新进行评估之前,您需要练习您的学习模块. To access your modules for the first time, 你需要重新登录你的ALEKS账户,就好像你要再次参加考试一样. 登录后,从主指导菜单中选择START MY PATH启动模块工作. 请注意,您只能选择提供的路径之一. Once you choose one, you will not be able to change it. 为了再次参加评估,你必须完成至少3个小时的模块. 在您进入下一次尝试之前,有48小时的冷静期. 请记住,参加2024年秋季入学评估的最后一天是在8月. 9, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CDT. 因此,你需要在48小时前完成之前的分班评估.

Credit by Examination

“道成肉身的世界大学”授予学分的理念是,学习可以从不同的知识来源获得. Click here to find more information about credit by exam (pdf).