的 任务仍在继续 奖s

任务仍在继续 Faculty 奖s Program

任务仍在继续 Faculty 奖s Program is a series of five annual awards. 的 awards are named for Sisters who represent the congregational heritage of living the Mission values through teaching, 奖学金, and community service. 的 awards recognize faculty for their commitment to promoting the Mission and supporting the ministry of the University of the Incarnate Word in an outstanding manner.

任务仍在继续 奖 Recipients
Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr 创新
Sr. 埃莉诺·安·杨 真理
Sr. Margaret Rose Palmer 教育
Mother Columkille Colbert 服务
Sr. St. 皮埃尔Cinquin 信仰


的 faculty members nominated for these awards will demonstrate in an outstanding manner one of the five mission values specified below:

  • 教育: 的 faculty member engages students in the learning process.
  • 真理: 的 faculty member searches for and seeks truth in 奖学金 and in the classroom.
  • 信仰: 的 faculty member is committed to educational excellence in the context of faith and fosters the values of the University.
  • 服务: 的 faculty member embraces a global perspective and emphasizes social justice.
  • 创新: the faculty member is open to thoughtful innovation which serves material and spiritual need.

Attributes/Characteristics of Nominees

A person nominated for one of the five 任务仍在继续 Faculty 奖s will exhibit the following attributes/characteristics:

  1. Has genuine love for UIW and its Mission
  2. Inspires/motivates students to embody the Mission
  3. Exemplifies in a special way the core value of ____ in the classroom/school/community.
  4. Articulates the Mission to students.
  5. 使学生.
  6. 是真正的老师吗?.
  7. Is open to students’ and colleagues’ ideas/suggestions
  8. Respects all others, mindful of their inherent dignity
  9. Inspires trust in students and peers
  10. Possesses imagination/vision in curriculum development and 奖学金
  11. Is willing to grow/take risks in his/her profession
  12. Has worked for UIW for 2 or more years
  13. Has contributed to the development of his/her department or school.

To make a nomination, please download and submit the following form 到老. Walter Maher in AD 151.


的 庆祝活动 for these five awards typically occurs during the Spring semester. Public Relations will photograph the recipients, and copies of these photos will be placed in an archival scrapbook and in faculty files of the school they represent. Annually, one plaque will display the names of the five winners and the five values. At the top of the award plaque will be the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word logo and the UIW logo will be displayed near the bottom of the plaque. Recipients will receive a certificate and a door plaque to symbolize the honor.

Previous 任务仍在继续 Faculty 奖 Winners

的 任务仍在继续 Faculty 奖s


  Sr. 皮埃尔Cinquin 奖
Mother Columkille Colbert 奖
Sr. Margaret Rose Palmer 奖
Sr. 埃莉诺·安·杨 奖
Sr. Maria Goretti Zehr 奖 
2003 Dr. 芭芭拉病 Dr. 帕特Lonchar Dr. 苏珊大厅 Dr. 贝丝Senne-Duff Dr. 安玛丽沃尔什
2004 Dr. 琼Deliganis Dr. 迈克尔Mulnix Dr. 邦妮麦考密克 Dr. 迈克尔Risku Dr. 史蒂夫威尔逊
2005 Dr. 玛丽·露丝·摩尔 罗勒Aivalotis Dr. 约瑟夫Bonilla Dr. 威廉Thomann Elose斯托克
2006 Dr. 格伦·安布罗斯 Dr. 莎莉说 Dr. 克里斯托弗巴黎 Dr. 莎拉克尔 Dr. 邦妮麦考密克
2007 Dr. Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI Dr. Eula松树 Dr. 罗伯特球 Dr. 丽迪雅安德雷德 Dr. 安妮塔·安德森
2008 Dr. 赫克托耳佩雷斯 Dr. Neeta辛格 Dr. 威廉Schurter Dr. 玛丽·伊莱恩·琼斯 Dr. 伊丽莎白Kreston
2009 Dr. 埃利斯·瑞安,CCVI Dr. Allison Whittemore Dr. 阿玛莉亚Mondriguez Dr. 克里斯蒂·麦金农 汉克•麦克唐奈
2010 比尔Gokelman Dr. 哈罗德Rodinsky Dr. Maureen Rauschhubber Dr. 伯纳黛特奥康纳 Dr. 约翰Stankus
2011 李·安·华尔兹 伊冯Davilla Dr. 奥斯曼Ozturgut Dr. Veronica Martinez-Acosta Dr. 哈维尔Arjona
2012 Dr. Lopita纳 Dr. 迈克尔·弗莱 Dr. Alakananda Chaudhuri Dr. 朱莉·米勒 Dr. 帕特·勒梅·伯尔
2013 Dr. 拉塞尔•科茨 Dr. 克里斯·埃德尔曼 Dr. Patricia Sanchez-Diaz Dr. 朱利安•戴维斯 Dr. 莎拉Tallarovic