
Bachelor of Arts 和 Bachelor of Science in 生物学

For a full list of all courses offered by the Department of 生物学, visit the 课程目录.

This course studies the 细胞 和 分子 biology of living organisms. Cell structure 和 function, metabolism 和 genetics are emphasized. It serves as a foundation for advanced courses in biology 和 is for science majors. 费.


先决条件: MATH 1304 or MATH 1311 or MATH 2312 or MATH 2313 or MATH 2314 or MATH 2322


This course examines the diversity of living organisms, 植物和动物的结构和功能, 进化原理, 还有自然科学专业的生态学. 它是生物学高级课程的基础. 学生 must enroll in both the lecture 和 a laboratory section. 费. 

并修课程: 杂志1403年

先决条件: MATH 1304 or MATH 1311 or MATH 2312 or MATH 2313 or MATH 2322 or MATH 2314


This lab course supports the corresponding lecture Anatomy 和 Physiology I 和 provides students with an opportunity to increase their underst和ing of human anatomy 和 physiology by observing 和 dissecting fresh 和 preserved materials, performing investigations of physiological processes, building models to aid in underst和ing the relation of structure to function, performing simple test to measure physiological processes. 费.

This lab course supports the corresponding lecture Anatomy 和 Physiology II 和 provides students with an opportunity to increase their underst和ing of human anatomy 和 physiology by observing 和 dissecting fresh 和 preserved materials, performing investigations of physiological processes, building models to aid in underst和ing the relation of structure to function, performing simple test to measure physiological processes. 费.

This is a course covering the first half of a two semester sequence on the structure 和 function of the human organism. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the levels of organization; the relationship of structure to function; cell structure, 增长, 和 metabolism; cell transport mechanisms; protection 和 temperature regulation; support 和 movement; 和 the integration 和 control functions of the human body.

This Anatomy 和 Physiology II is a course covering the second half of a two-semester sequence on the structure 和 function of the human organism. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the endocrine system, 循环, 免疫力, 呼吸, 消化, 泌尿系统, 酸的体内平衡, base, 和流体, 繁殖, 和发展.

先决条件: 杂志2321年

This course is intended to give the student an advanced underst和ing of structure 和 function at the 细胞 和 分子 level. This 3-hour lecture course includes discussion 和 interpretation of the dynamic processes of cells, 包括蛋白质运输, 信号, 和扩散. Readings will discuss classical concepts of cell biology along with recent discoveries 和 ideas derived using biochemical, 分子, 细胞, 基因实验方法. Emphasis will be on eukaryotic 和 prokaryotic model systems.

先决条件: biol3311或biol3411或biol3361或biol3461

This course is intended to give the student an advanced underst和ing of structure 和 function at the 细胞 和 分子 level. This 3-hour lecture course includes discussion 和 interpretation of the dynamic processes of cells, 包括蛋白质运输, 信号, 和扩散. Readings will discuss classical concepts of cell biology along with recent discoveries 和 ideas derived using biochemical, 分子, 细胞, 基因实验方法. Emphasis will be on eukaryotic 和 prokaryotic model systems. BIOL 3411 和 BIOL 3311 cannot both be counted for credit.

先决条件: 杂志1402年 和 杂志1403年 和 CHEM 1301 和 化学1302 和 CHEM 1203L or CHEM 1101 和 CHEM 1102


This course studies the functional anatomy 和 physiological processes in animals by comparing different animal groups, 动物门的进化史, 动物的结构适应性, 和 the relationship of these modifications to different habitat 和 environmental conditions. 费.

先决条件: 生物1402和化学1302


This course studies the biological 和 physical environments, 和 the dynamic relationships of population 和 communities. 费.

先决条件: 杂志1402年杂志1403年 和 化学1302


This course will provide the student an advanced underst和ing of the principles of Mendelian genetics, 遗传学的分子生物学, 和 key concepts in population genetics 和 genomics. This course studies the principles of heredity 和 how they apply to the inheritance of biological traits. This course will examine classic patterns of inheritance 和 extensions to these patterns. This course will also study the 分子 mechanisms involved in DNA replication, 修复, 转录, 翻译, 基因调控. Current concepts in population genetics 和 genomics will also be examined. BIO 3461 和 BIO 3361 cannot both be counted for credit.

先决条件: 杂志1402年 和 杂志1403年 和 化学1302 和 CHEM 1203L or CHEM 1101 和 CHEM 1102


本课程介绍神经科学. The course includes neuronal structure 和 physiology, 神经递质系统, 感觉和运动系统, 和行为. Motivation, hormone action, 和 emotions are also covered.

先决条件: bio1402和bio2121 和BIOL 3430或杂志2321年

This course studies the evolutionary history 和 patterns of distribution of vertebrates 和 their structural 和行为al adaptations. 费.

先决条件: 生物1402和化学1302 or permission of the instructor.


This course in an upper division course for biology (or related) majors that covers the evolution of animal behavior. Topics covered include the development of behaviors, 行为的控制和组织, 以及与生存相关的行为进化, 喂养, 沟通, 繁殖, parental care 和 sociality across a wide variety of animal taxa. Laboratory exercises will reinforce concepts presented in the lecture. 费.

先决条件: biol1401或biol1403

This broad survey of sub disciplines within entomology covers beneficial 和 harmful aspects of insects, 包括生产丝绸和蜂蜜, 农业害虫, 家庭和建筑害虫, 和 those insects that are of medical 和 veterinary importance because they transmit disease. The toxicology of insecticides 和 pest management by biological control will be studied. 费.

先决条件: 杂志1402年 和 化学1302 or permission of the instructor.
