
One path to starting the journey to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is by completing a 营养学教学计划 (DPD). Registered Dietitian Nutritionists work in a variety of settings including community and public health settings, 企业健康计划, 食品和营养相关业务, 医院或其他医疗机构, 私人诊所, research, 和大学.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the employment of dietitians to increase by 11 percent from 2018 to 2028, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多. 2018年5月,营养师和营养学家的平均年薪为60,370美元. 这是因为人们越来越重视通过改善饮食习惯来预防疾病.



营养学教学计划(DPD)为学生进入监督实践做好准备. 鼓励学生培养职业习惯. Thus, the nutrition program has standard evaluation components for group work and preceptor evaluations of practice in appropriate courses. 学生与教师要积极参与教学过程. As a student progresses through the DPD s/he is increasingly responsible for mastery of course content and thus develops skills for life-long learning.


学生必须申请并被uw DPD录取. 本科 students complete the didactic requirements while completing the Nutrition and Dietetics track of the B.S. 营养学学位. Post-graduate students may complete DPD requirements as a non-degree seeking student or as a graduate student who completes the DPD requirements while concurrently completing a M.S. 营养学学位.

The 营养学教学计划 (DPD) at the 道成肉身的大学 is accredited by the 认证 Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 南滨江广场120号, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, (800) 877-1600, ext. 5400, acend@eatright.org.

更多信息可从 ACEND.

DPD Mission

营养学教学计划, 营养与饮食学课程; prepares students for successful entry into supervised practice in dietetic internships leading to eligibility for the CDR credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist.

项目目标1:培养专业人才, 知识渊博的个人在营养和营养学入门级实践.


目标1. 至少80%的学生在3年内完成课程/学位要求(课程长度的150%).

Objective 2. At least 50% of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation.

目标3. 申请有监督的实习项目的毕业生, 至少25%的学生在毕业后12个月内被录取.

Objective 4. The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.

Objective 5. 毕业后12个月内, at least 70% of DPD graduates will receive a rating of “satisfactory” or better in their performance as evaluated by responding supervised practice directors.

Objective 6. 超过三年的时间, at least 50% of DPD graduates will report having worked in nutrition and dietetics or continued their education in nutrition and dietetics.



目标1. 在五年的时间里,至少50%收到DPD验证声明的学生是少数民族.

Objective 2. 在五年内,50%的DPD毕业生接受监督实践项目将是少数民族.

目标3. 五年以上, 75% of DPD students will receive a rating of “satisfactory” in knowledge of nutrition needs of underserved people as evaluated by responding supervised practice directors.


下面列出的途径是许多传统学生的常见途径, 但这不是成为注册营养师(RDN)的唯一途径。. 有关成为RDN的教育途径的更多信息,请访问 成为注册营养师的5个步骤

1. 在地区认可的机构完成学士学位.

要成为一名注册营养师(RDN),你需要在美国大学获得学士学位.S. regionally accredited university or college and receive a verification statement from an 认证 Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accredited program (营养学教学计划, 协调程序, 未来研究生学位课程, 外国或国际营养师教育计划). 如果你已经有学士学位, 您需要填写DPD并收到验证声明. uw DPD满足这一要求.

Note, 1月1日生效, 2024, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will require a minimum of a master's degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). 有关此需求的更多信息,请访问 CDR的网站

2. 完成acend认可的监督实践计划

完成acend认可的监督实践计划 (Dietetic Internship or Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway, 协调程序, 或未来研究生学位课程). Graduates who successfully complete the ACEND-accredited DPD at UIW are eligible to apply to an ACEND-accredited supervised practice program.

Students that complete a DPD must applyto dietetic internships and participate in the computer match process through D&作为他们申请过程的一部分. 协调计划和未来教育模式研究生计划不参与计算机匹配. 有关计算机匹配的更多信息,请访问

3. 通过国家考试

通过由饮食注册委员会举办的营养师注册考试. 通过此考试,您就有资格使用RD/RDN证书.

4. 获得州许可

在大多数州,毕业生还必须获得执业执照或证书. 有关州许可证要求的详细信息,请参阅 国家许可证-营养注册委员会

5. 保持继续教育


学生可以通过网站找到本学年的典型年度费用 财政援助办公室-学费和费用. 计费信息, 付款截止日期, 学费和杂费的提取和退还可以通过 业务办公室.

教材是通过 UIW ACCESS It is recommended that DPD students keep textbooks in major nutrition classes as reference books to use in a supervised practice program and to prepare for the dietitian credentialing exam. uw Access教科书项目是大学学费的一部分.

与DPD相关的其他费用可能包括化验费(因实验室而异)。, 以及美国营养与饮食学会的学生会员资格(每年58美元).

道成肉身的世界大学提供财务援助信息, 包括奖学金, 通过大学 财政援助办公室. The 营养与饮食学会基金会 and the 德州营养与饮食学会基金会 为DPD学生提供一些奖学金.


学生必须申请并被uw DPD录取. DPD的注册是有限的. 因此,满足最低要求并不能保证被DPD录取. Admission tot the DPD is in accordance with the 道成肉身的大学's "Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy" published in the 开心8APP学生手册.


  1. UIW在读学生.
  2. Completion of DPD prerequisites with a minimum grade of “C” in each course or grade of Satisfactory (Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 courses only):

ACCT 2301:会计非商业专业(或更高)

BGMT 3340:管理理论与实践


BIOL 2321/2121:解剖学和生理学I和实验室


BIOL 2474:微生物学导论和实验室手术室

BIOL 3471:一般微生物学和实验室





PSYC 1301:心理学导论

SOCI 1311:社会学概论

NUTR 1102:营养学入门(仅限本科生)

NUTR 2231/2131:食品制备和实验室或原理

NUTR 4199: ST食品实验室(研究生)

NUTR 2341:营养学概论

  1. 最小累积2.8 / 4.0 DPD先决条件平均绩点.
  2. 提供所有必修课程的正式成绩单.
  3. 研究生和研究生必须提供美国大学授予的学士学位证明.S. 地区认可的学院/大学或 相当于.


  1. DPD应用程序位于营养计划画布网站上.
  2. 本科 students complete the DPD application during the semester all DPD prerequisite courses will be completed. 秋季入学截止日期为2月15日,春季入学截止日期为9月25日. 如果截止日期是周末,申请截止日期是下周一. Post-graduate students complete the DPD application at the time they complete the post-graduate or graduate school application if all DPD prerequisites are completed or in the fall or spring semester during which requirements will be met.
  3. 如果被录取,学生将收到录取通知书.
  4. 如果学生没有被录取, the Nutrition Advisor notifies student when s/he can reapply or assists the student with the selection of another major.

uwdpd遵循 UIW校历

The following criteria must be met to achieve the requirements for the DPD and earn the Verification Statement:

  • 必须是在读学生吗.
  • 本科DPD学生必须满足学士学位的要求.
  • 必须在uw修读至少12学分的DPD课程.
  • 在每门DPD课程中获得“C”或更好的“满意”(仅限2020年春季和夏季).
  • 最小累积3.DPD课程平均绩点0.

A student may petition to substitute work experience for the following courses: NUTR 2231 Principles of Food Preparation, NUTR 2131食品制备实验室原理, NUTR 3332实验食品, 食品系统管理, nutr3134食品系统管理实验室, 和NUTR 4139营养实习. 有资格获得豁免:

  • 学生必须在过去五年内完成至少6个月的相关工作经验.
  • The student will provide written documentation electronically to the 公司董事 containing detailed description(s) of work experience(s), 包括位置, 工作职责, 以及主管的姓名和开心8APP.
  • 导师必须签名证明学生在所描述的经历中工作过, 确认书, 和/或与DPD总监进行电话采访.
  • DPD主任, 通过工作经验验证预期的知识和技能要求, 可批准豁免.

如获豁免修读上述任何一门课程, the student must still meet the necessary credit hours required for degree completion as documented in the UIW 本科 or Graduate Catalog. Waived courses may be substituted with other nutrition courses and/or electives as approved by the student’s faculty advisor.