
The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy
The Community of Saints
Will we recognize Jesus in our midst?
We are commissioned to announce the mercy of God
The Rosary meets the needs of our time
St. Francis found God's mission for him by uncluttering his life.
We need to be clever about things that really matter.
The Poor as God's Favorites
Catechists as Evangelizers Make Present Today the Memory of God Among Us
Taking Care of Nature
Mother Teresa and simple acts of kindness and love
Meals - Nourishment for the body and for relationships
The Assumption: Unity of the whole person and the community's destiny
The Quality of Mercy
Pope Francis at the World Youth Day, Poland 2016
Words can instill fear, give crushing blows, console and inspire
Change takes lots of motivation.
National turmoil, a wake-up call for understanding and compassion.
A prayer for community in our nation.
The Gospel story of Jesus calming seas can be both consoling and disconcerting.
A compassionate and loving God asks us took beyond ourselves.
Love and kindness outshine evil
The Gospel challenge to live life to its fullest
In commemorating the Lord’s Supper, we celebrate His and our offering to God the Father and to one another. 
Trinity Sunday celebrates a great mystery of who God is.
The Holy Spirit Comfort US and Stands By Us
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit makes us witnesses of hope
After the Ascension, a new presence of Christ
Witnesses to presence of God among us
The Newness of Easter
The Easter message: the forgiveness of sins
Recognizing the Risen Lord in our world
"The night shall be as bright as day"
We are called to begin at the end
The freshness of God's love for us
Jesus's Mission and Ours
"That they all may be one"
The Baptism of the Lord
Moses is the most important figure in the Hebrew Testament. And in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is the new Moses.
Pope Francis has chosen December 8th as the beginning of The Year of Mercy” – a year of reaching out, encountering others, and being witness to God’s caring for them.